Wednesday, March 14

Top 'O The Morning To Ya!

I surprised my little one with a ST. Patrick's Day/Fairy Garden themed sensory box.  This cute idea comes from the lovely "Pink and Green Mama" that is just bursting with colorful ideas!  As a homeschool teacher, I simply love her blog. 

I raided my pantry for the lentils and beans.  The mardi gras coins are from a dollar store.  The colorful gems and polished stones are for fish aquariums that I found at somethingmart.

I just love the little roaming gnome and toadstool which are from the lawn and garden department of  somethingmart.  I can hardly wait to recycle these bits for the real fairy garden that we will make outside soon. 



We celebrate this holiday traditionally with family and food, helping less fortunate, giving thanks, etc... but let's not forget the hi...